General information

Territories with human rights and autonomy in the Cauca river basin
Start date
End date
Activity status
NGO Broederlijk Delen - BD
Government and civil society - Human rights
Policy markers
Nutrition 1
Gender 1
Biodiversity 1
Climate: Mitigation 1
Climate: Adaptation 1
Environment 1
Good Governance 1
Aid type
Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes
Fragile state
Least developed country
54 20 356072 NGO Programs
Finance type
Tied status
Flow type


Communities and women- and youth organisations in disputed territories in the Cauca river basin, work together to build alliances and strengthen their capacities for the protection of their rights and territories against extractive threats and violence, strengthening their life plans and their territorial autonomy, guided by the principles of agroecology. The intervention is located in disputed territories in the Cauca river basin in Colombia. These are rural territories that are home to ecosystems of great ecological and cultural value, where two worldviews collide: on the one hand, an extractivist vision that considers these territories as providers of natural resources and raw materials, which must be exploited. This vision is promoted by the national State and business groups, and is closely related to inequality, the internal war and violence. On the other hand, there is the own vision of the communities that inhabit these territories, embodied in their so-called 'life plans', which seek a dignified life, with social and ecological justice and based on a different, more respectful and harmonious relationship with nature. The programme will strengthen, connect and accompany 5 existing local processes for the defense of rights and the construction of territorial autonomy, in which agroecological practices and principles occupy a central place. The central actors of the programme are the communities and their organisations, local governments and social movements, accompanied and supported by 8 partner organisations. They build territorial alliances to learn, share strategies and act together, at local, regional (the river basin), national and international levels. The role of youth and women as actors of change in their organisations and in society will be strengthened. By using legal strategies and mechanisms, creating public awareness through communication strategies, and advocacy targeting the international community we intend to influence the Colombian State and companies operating in the river basin so that they respect the rights of local communities. Networks and partner organisations accompany those strategies, sharing their expertise and relations and strenghtening relevant capacities of the territorial alliances through training and advice.

Disclaimer: Country borders do not necessarily reflect the Belgian Government's official position.