General information

Global education and participation at actions for global solidarity in Dutch speaking schools
Start date
End date
Activity status
NGO Broederlijk Delen - BD
Policy markers
Gender 1
Environment 1
Good Governance 1
Biodiversity 1
Climate: Mitigation 1
Climate: Adaptation 1
Aid type
Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes
Fragile state
Least developed country
54 20 356072 NGO Programs
Finance type
Tied status
Flow type


Dutch speaking schools are committed to solidarity-based global education in the context of international solidarity, and undertake solidarity-based actions aimed at systemic change for sustainable and just societies worldwide. Through global education and solidarity actions we stimulate Dutch speaking schools in Flanders and Brussels to get involved in solidarity-based global education and to contribute to actions for more sustainable and just societies. By offering a wide variety of guided and non-guided learning resources, we enable teachers to realize global education in their classroom and school. We support them with training and didactic methods (for example: immersion labs, workshops, learning packages, projects) so they can work on raising awareness among children and youth, and stimulate solidarity actions. We maintain good relations with the educational umbrella organizations and pedagogical guidance services so that our methods maximally correspond to the requirements and objectives of the educational sector. Moreover, they too can become a lever for implementing global eduction and solidarity. We also provide training for teacher training students, to enhance their motivation and capacity to integrate global education into their later professional practice. In addition to this focus on global education, we encourage teachers and schools to take part in actions for international solidarity. We engage all stakeholders involved in and around the school in our campaigns. By means of action models and exchange initiatives with partner countries we invite schools to contribute and take part in a growing worldwide solidarity movement for the realization of the basic rights of all people within planetary boundaries. The themes and goals of our educational activities and campaigns are inspired and nourished by our partners in the partner countries and the materials are elaborated together with them. By working with (future) teachers, pupils and schools in this way we create support for the systemic changes needed in the various domains we have delineated in our theory of change: food systems and resources, worldwide solidarity in motion and political voice and participation.

Disclaimer: Country borders do not necessarily reflect the Belgian Government's official position.