General information

Lobby and advocacy by empowered Palestinian communities and civil society in Palestine and Israel for respect for international law.
Start date
End date
Activity status
NGO Broederlijk Delen - BD
Government and civil society - Human rights
Policy markers
Gender 1
Good Governance 1
Aid type
Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes
Priority partner country
Fragile state
Least developed country
54 20 356072 NGO Programs
Finance type
Tied status
Flow type


Empowered inclusive Palestinian communities supported by Palestinian and Israeli civil society increasingly pressure duty-bearers in Israel, Palestine and the EU to respect and enforce IHL and HRL In the context of protracted conflict in the occupied Palestinian territory, grave violations of international humanitarian law (IHL) and human rights law (HRL) have been ongoing for decades with impunity. The international community lacks the political will to hold Israeli and Palestinian duty-bearers accountable. As a consequence, Palestinians are denied their basic human rights and their right to self-determination as a people. They suffer under a violent military occupation and a system that is designated as apartheid by reliable actors. Also Palestinian armed groups violate IHL, thereby violating the rights of Israeli citizens. The increasingly authoritarian rule of Palestinian authorities undermines Palestinians’ rights. Broederlijk Delen’s partners work for justice in Palestine and Israel. By empowering those most affected, women, children and youth, we can accomplish a positive change in Palestinian communities and in Palestinian society as a whole. We do so by providing legal support and offering a variety of cultural, social and educational activities in order to prepare actors for change able to demand their rights from their duty-bearers, local and national. At the same time, Israeli and Palestinian authorities need to be pressured from the outside to bring their policies in line with IHL and HRL. We do so by high quality lobby and advocacy and legal action and by networking with local and international networks, civil society and human rights defenders. We connect this struggle with movements for justice and equality worldwide and with Palestinian and Jewish diaspora. Objective media coverage, mainstream and social, in Israel, Palestine and Belgium is important for awareness raising and mobilizing the public at large. We invest a lot in education, awareness raising and campaigns both in the region and in Belgium and organise lobby tours, field visits and exchanges for policy makers, students and interested people.

Disclaimer: Country borders do not necessarily reflect the Belgian Government's official position.