General information

Bolivia: People Power for Global Justice and International Solidarity
Start date
End date
Activity status
NGO Coupole 11.11.11 ex NCOS - 11/NCOS
Government and civil society - Democratic participation and civil society
Policy markers
Gender 1
Desertification 1
Environment 1
Good Governance 1
Biodiversity 1
Climate: Mitigation 1
Climate: Adaptation 1
Trade Development 1
Aid type
Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes
Priority partner country
Fragile state
Least developed country
54 20 356072 NGO Programs
Finance type
Tied status
Flow type
D4D: Digital for inclusive societies


In Bolivia, 11.11.11 works with organizations and networks active on the national level that advocate for alternatives for the current unjust system from a rights perspective. They are committed to fight for democratic-, ecological-, social and economic justice. 11.11.11 wants to offer an adequate response to the current unequal power relations that maintain an unjust world order and violate the rights of people in vulnerable situations. Together with the whole 11.11.11 community (i.e. partners, members and their partners, volunteers) 11.11.11 wants to raise awareness and encourage policy-makers, the private sector, civil society and the broad public to be more open to DJ; SEJ; EJ and to take proactive and collective action on these issues. Ultimately, we want to ensure that local and (inter)national authorities fulfil their obligation to respect, promote and realize rights for people most affected by the current system, and that (trans)national private sector actors better respect all rights, including by avoiding contributing to rights abuses through their activities. We aim for the rights-holders to be part of resilient communities that defend their rights themselves and undertake joint actions to influence policy. A profound adjustment of policies and behavior is needed in this regard within each group (policy-makers, (trans)national private sector, civil society and broad public). This can be done by building strong and strategic political coalitions and alliances, by conducting innovative awareness-raising campaigns with a clear narrative, by making the issues of redistribution, respect for rights, etc. discussable in the public debate. 11.11. 11 intends to contribute to this through mutual capacity building, strong and complementary advocacy work, maintaining and expanding a dynamic, attractive and solid network, and by bringing innovation (e.g. how to decolonize our sector). 11.11.11 partners are: PBFCC, Fundación Jubileo, Fundación Solón, Probioma By 2026 in Bolivia, an early majority of policy-makers is starting to recognize the importance to fulfil their obligations to respect, promote and realize rights for people most affected by a global unjust system (see our domains of change). An early majority of the broad public and civil society acts for systemic alternatives and democratization. They invest in strengthening their structures and policy work.


Disclaimer: Country borders do not necessarily reflect the Belgian Government's official position.