General information

Philippines: People Power for Global Justice and International Solidarity
Start date
End date
Activity status
NGO Coupole 11.11.11 ex NCOS - 11/NCOS
Government and civil society - Democratic participation and civil society
Policy markers
Nutrition 1
Gender 1
Environment 1
Good Governance 1
Biodiversity 1
Climate: Mitigation 1
Climate: Adaptation 1
Trade Development 1
Aid type
Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes
Fragile state
Least developed country
54 20 356072 NGO Programs
Finance type
Tied status
Flow type
D4D: Digital for inclusive societies


By 2026, an early majority of policy-makers in the Philippines is starting to recognize the importance to fulfil their obligations to respect, promote, and realize rights for people most affected by a global unjust system (see our domains of change). An early majority of the broad public and civil society acts for systemic alternatives and democratization. They invest in strengthening their structures and policy work. In the Philippines, 11.11.11 works with organizations and networks that advocate for alternatives for the current unjust system from a rights perspective. They are committed to fight for democratic-, ecological-, and socio-economic justice. 11.11.11 and partners believe that the current policies are unable to guarantee economic, social, and cultural rights (ESCR), nor stop the overexploitation of natural resources and the destruction of the environment and biodiversity. Therefore, we have to rethink our current system and develop alternatives, which take into account people’s rights and the planetary boundaries. Our context and actor analyses show that a shift is needed in the way policy-makers are ruling the country and how the private sector act. We believe that the move has to come from changing the behavior of the broad public and the civil society. 11.11.11 collaborates with national organizations and networks in the field of democratization and human rights, gender justice, social and economic justice, and ecological justice. These partner organizations are joining forces with rights-holders so that they are better able to defend their rights and undertake joint actions to influence policy. Giving a stronger voice to people in a vulnerable situation is key. The partners also invest in the protection of rights defenders and their organizations, as they come under increasing pressure. The partners are part of international platforms through which they promote international solidarity and global actions. The collaboration offers partners and 11.11.11 the possibility to strengthen their ties with rights-holders, to develop new or deepen existing collaborations (broader campaigns and coalitions), and to obtain recognition from political actors and the public opinion for the actions they undertake. Key partners are: ATM, APMDD, PMCJ, NGO Forum on ADB, Focus on the Global South, FDC, PKKK, PAHRA.


Disclaimer: Country borders do not necessarily reflect the Belgian Government's official position.