General information

OS 4 - Promoting Decent Work in Southeast Asia (Indonesia)
Start date
End date
Activity status
Social Infrastructure - Labour Rights
Policy markers
Gender 1
Environment 1
Good Governance 1
Climate: Mitigation 1
Trade Development 1
Aid type
Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes
Fragile state
Least developed country
54 20 356072 NGO Programs
Finance type
Tied status
Flow type


SPN, Garteks, FSPMI and FSP2KI strengthen and improve the organizing of the trade union movement in the Textile, Garment, Shoes & Leather (TGSL) and Pulp & Paper (P&P) supply chain by defending and demanding better and safer working conditions for the workers of these supply chains through social dialogue. SPN, Garteks, FSPMI and FSP2KI are inclusive trade unions especially for female workers and contribute to a just transition. The program aims to ensure that in the region, workers (in the Textile, Garment, Shoes and Leather (TGSL) sector and Pulp and Paper (P&P) sector) are better organized and strengthened on a technical, strategic and political level. They will then be more resilient to climate, social and political shocks. Through their actions, working conditions and public policies will tend towards the integration of Decent Work principles. Concretely, the objective is to gain better access to decent work, to extend social protection and to strengthen trade union organizations so that workers know their rights better, actively defend them and negotiate collective bargained agreements with employers. Another objective is to enhance democratic and inclusive governance within the trade union movement (including more women becoming union leaders). For this, the management of these organizations must be further professionalized. They must strive for financial autonomy. This will improve the living conditions of workers and give workers and trade union members better access to social protection. The structural and inclusive participation of all stakeholders in the dialogue on climate and environmental strategies allows for a more just transition while being mindful of preserving the environment for future generations. Through this programme ISVI supports 4 Indonesian trade unions. 3 unions in the TGSL sector (SPN, Garteks and FSPMI) and 1 union in the P&P sector (FSP2KI). ISVI works closely together with IndustriALL, the Global Union Federation for the TGSL and P&P sector. Furthermore this programme is supported by 2 Belgian union federations, BBTK-ABVV for the TGSL sector and ABVV Algemene Centrale for the P&P sector. This 2 Belgian trade unions represent workers within the same supply chain as the Indonesian trade unions. Through the involvement of all these partners an international cooperation will take place to promote Decent Work in these multinational supply chains.

Disclaimer: Country borders do not necessarily reflect the Belgian Government's official position.