General information

Samenwerkingsprogramma Rwanda 2024-2029
Start date
End date
Activity status
Enabel - the Belgian development agency
Energy - Renewable - general
Policy markers
Gender 1
Good Governance 1
Biodiversity 1
Environment 1
Climate: Mitigation 1
Climate: Adaptation 1
Aid type
Project-type interventions
Priority partner country
Fragile state
Least developed country
54 10 614201 Enabel - governmental cooperation
Finance type
Tied status
Flow type


The general objective of the cooperation programme is “to support and institutionally strengthen Mozambique so that the transition to a climate-resilient and low-carbon economy can be achieved in an inclusive way with consideration of vulnerable communities in both rural and urban areas”. The programme focuses on 2 interventions which are divided into several results: A. Intervention 1: Multi-stakeholder approach for climate resilience and energy transition a. Policy dialogue on climate resilience and energy transition: the Mozambican government, the local authorities, communities and civil society are strengthened to improve the formulation and implementation of evidence-based policies and initiatives to build up climate resilience and just energy transition. b. Territorial planning and losses and damages: the Mozambican government, local authorities, communities and civil society are strengthened to design, resource and implement evidence-based climate resilient and low-carbon oriented plans and budgets with a focus on anticipating the risks of losses and damages. c. Access to energy: the access to sustainable and clean public energy services, especially in off-grid areas, is improved by learning from existing infrastructures and interventions, testing innovations and innovative business models, the involvement of the private sector, and the facilitation of additional investments in renewable energy provision. d. Access to water: the sustainability of climate-resilient drinking water supply and solar-powered irrigation systems in rural areas is improved through an appropriate engagement and support from districts, provinces, private sector and local communities. e. Waste management and circular economy: the Mozambican government and the related actors involved in municipal waste management system at local level are supported and will implement the national programme for sustainable waste management while promoting a circular economy in selected municipalities and at national level. B. Intervention 2: Study, Expertise and Preparation Facility for Climate Resilience and Energy Transition (STEP Facility) a. Access to climate finance: the Mozambican government is able to mobilize and effectively manage and track adequate and predictable climate finance to support the implementation of the country’s climate plans and strategies, and contribute towards the transition to a climate-resilient and low-carbon economy. It should be noted that this is a very innovative approach in the battle against climate change. The specific objective was defined as “Mozambican authorities and communities, including women, youth, and other vulnerable groups, are strengthened to actively engage together in a - cross sectoral coordination - specifically focusing on improved climate proofed public services, enabling policies and initiatives for energy transition”. The geographical intervention zone from the previous country portfolio remained largely the same and focusses on the southern provinces of Gaza and Maputo, with a reinforced presence in the northern provinces of Zambezia and Nampula. The general objective of the cooperation programme is “to support and institutionally strengthen Mozambique so that the transition to a climate-resilient and low-carbon economy can be achieved in an inclusive way with consideration of vulnerable communities in both rural and urban areas”. The programme focuses on 2 interventions which are divided into several results: A. Intervention 1: Multi-stakeholder approach for climate resilience and energy transition a. Policy dialogue on climate resilience and energy transition: the Mozambican government, the local authorities, communities and civil society are strengthened to improve the formulation and implementation of evidence-based policies and initiatives to build up climate resilience and just energy transition. b. Territorial planning and losses and damages: the Mozambican government, local authorities, communities and civil society are strengthened to design, resource and implement evidence-based climate resilient and low-carbon oriented plans and budgets with a focus on anticipating the risks of losses and damages. c. Access to energy: the access to sustainable and clean public energy services, especially in off-grid areas, is improved by learning from existing infrastructures and interventions, testing innovations and innovative business models, the involvement of the private sector, and the facilitation of additional investments in renewable energy provision. d. Access to water: the sustainability of climate-resilient drinking water supply and solar-powered irrigation systems in rural areas is improved through an appropriate engagement and support from districts, provinces, private sector and local communities. e. Waste management and circular economy: the Mozambican government and the related actors involved in municipal waste management system at local level are supported and will implement the national programme for sustainable waste management while promoting a circular economy in selected municipalities and at national level. B. Intervention 2: Study, Expertise and Preparation Facility for Climate Resilience and Energy Transition (STEP Facility) a. Access to climate finance: the Mozambican government is able to mobilize and effectively manage and track adequate and predictable climate finance to support the implementation of the country’s climate plans and strategies, and contribute towards the transition to a climate-resilient and low-carbon economy. It should be noted that this is a very innovative approach in the battle against climate change.


The specific objective was defined as “Mozambican authorities and communities, including women, youth, and other vulnerable groups, are strengthened to actively engage together in a - cross sectoral coordination - specifically focusing on improved climate proofed public services, enabling policies and initiatives for energy transition”.

Disclaimer: Country borders do not necessarily reflect the Belgian Government's official position.