General information

Enhancing coping capacities of vulnerable displaced families in Afghanistan through integrated shelter WASH and ICLA intervention
Start date
End date
Activity status
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
Humanitarian aid - Emergency Response - Relief co-ordination , protection and support services
Aid type
Project-type interventions
Fragile state
Least developed country
54 52 356083 Humanitarian projects
Finance type
Tied status
Flow type


Algemeen wenst men de coping mechanismes van kwetsbare ontheemde gezinnen in Afghanistan vergroten door geïntegreerde Onderdak, WASH en ICLA (Information, counselling and legal assistance) interventies. Project Objective: To enhance the coping capacities of vulnerable displaced families in Afghanistan through integrated Shelter, WASH and ICLA intervention


Objective 1: To provide safe and secure shelter solutions for vulnerable displacement-affected communities that enhance their safety, dignity, and well-being, while promoting their self-reliance and facilitating their access to durable solutions. • Recipients receive temporary shelter support (cash for rent) to meet their shelter needs and benefit from physical protection. • Recipients receive transitional shelter solutions including awareness and training to meet their shelter needs and benefit from physical protection with pathways to durable solutions. Objective 2: Vulnerable displaced households have easy access to water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities to prevent communicable diseases. Specific objectives: • Increased access to safe and adequate water for drinking and other domestic purpose. • Increased easy access to safe/ environmentally friendly and culturally appropriate durable sanitation facilities. • Improved awareness of good hygiene practices among targeted households. Objective 3 - Vulnerable displacement-affected individuals are able to exercise and claim their legal protection vital to achieve durable solutions. • Raise awareness on legal identity and HLP rights. • Counselling for LID cases including tailored information on how a client can obtain civil documentation and methods to obtain this documentation. • Counselling on HLP includes provision of advice and legal analysis specifically targeted to the individual’s case such as access essential services, including cases like child support (after separation of the parents), disability pension payment and unpaid wages. • Legal assistance where the beneficiary is not able to fully take action in the case themselves for a variety of reasons. In instances of LID, this may involve ICLA staff helping illiterate beneficiaries to fill out complicated administrative forms and accompanying them to the Population Registration Department (PRD). In HLP legal 3 assistance cases, direct assistance includes representing a beneficiary before a shura or jirga, preparing a tenancy agreement or filling out complicated forms. • Training and mentorship sessions for informal justice actors, such as shura and jirga members, on the importance of legal identity and documents such as tazkera. Moreover, support the capacity of informal justice duty bearers to resolve and prevent future HLP disputes.

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