General information

TZA - Samenwerkingsprogramma 2023-2028 - Interventie Wezesha Binti
Start date
End date
Activity status
Enabel - the Belgian development agency
Education -Secondary - Vocational training
Policy markers
Good Governance 1
Gender 1
Aid type
Project-type interventions
Priority partner country
Fragile state
Least developed country
54 10 614201 Enabel - governmental cooperation
Finance type
Tied status
Flow type


The general objective of the cooperation programme is “Young people especially young women, are empowered to thrive in a protective and gender-equal environment, to acquire education and skills, and to pursue decent work opportunities in Kigoma Region”. The programme focuses on the following result areas: 1. Secondary education for vulnerable youth with a special focus on girls: this result area concentrates on secondary education for vulnerable youth, with special attention for girls, and aims to help ensure that youth in the age group of 14-19 in the targeted districts of the Kigoma region have access to secondary education and quality training. Priority will be given to girls and vulnerable youth who have already dropped out or are at risk of dropping out by creating a safe, qualitatively, environmentally friendly and climate change-proof school environment. 2. Skills development, employment and entrepreneurship for decent work: this result area has the ambition to increase opportunities for young people,, and girls in particular, to access decent work and green jobs through skills development, promotion of entrepreneurship and support for business development. The strategy focuses on a qualitatively and innovatively vocational education and training on the one hand, and on the other hand on stimulating entrepreneurship (with a focus on green growth as a response to climate change). 3. Protective and gender-equal environment: this result area focuses on a protective and gender-equal environment and will focus on the discriminatory social norms and structural barriers that girls and young women face in their family, community, education and work. Concrete attention will be given to gender-based violence, developing leadership skills and changing the power dynamics within the family. The third result area will support the first 2 in their entirety and will work on 3 levels: at the community level to change the social norms that discriminate against girls and young women, at the individual level to empower girls and young women in terms of knowledge of their rights and self-determination, and at the institutional level so that women's organizations and local governments have the skills to coordinate and advocate for women's empowerment in Kigoma. The specific objective of the portfolio has been defined as “Girls and young women (14 to 29 years), in targeted districts of Kigoma, are empowered through multiple conducive learning pathways to enjoy decent, green employment and an increased access to entrepreneurship”. The geographical intervention zone from the current bilateral portfolio is largely retained with a focus on the western region of Kigoma. The general objective of the cooperation programme is “Young people especially young women, are empowered to thrive in a protective and gender-equal environment, to acquire education and skills, and to pursue decent work opportunities in Kigoma Region”. The programme focuses on the following result areas: 1. Secondary education for vulnerable youth with a special focus on girls: this result area concentrates on secondary education for vulnerable youth, with special attention for girls, and aims to help ensure that youth in the age group of 14-19 in the targeted districts of the Kigoma region have access to secondary education and quality training. Priority will be given to girls and vulnerable youth who have already dropped out or are at risk of dropping out by creating a safe, qualitatively, environmentally friendly and climate change-proof school environment. 2. Skills development, employment and entrepreneurship for decent work: this result area has the ambition to increase opportunities for young people,, and girls in particular, to access decent work and green jobs through skills development, promotion of entrepreneurship and support for business development. The strategy focuses on a qualitatively and innovatively vocational education and training on the one hand, and on the other hand on stimulating entrepreneurship (with a focus on green growth as a response to climate change). 3. Protective and gender-equal environment: this result area focuses on a protective and gender-equal environment and will focus on the discriminatory social norms and structural barriers that girls and young women face in their family, community, education and work. Concrete attention will be given to gender-based violence, developing leadership skills and changing the power dynamics within the family. The third result area will support the first 2 in their entirety and will work on 3 levels: at the community level to change the social norms that discriminate against girls and young women, at the individual level to empower girls and young women in terms of knowledge of their rights and self-determination, and at the institutional level so that women's organizations and local governments have the skills to coordinate and advocate for women's empowerment in Kigoma.


The specific objective of the portfolio has been defined as “Girls and young women (14 to 29 years), in targeted districts of Kigoma, are empowered through multiple conducive learning pathways to enjoy decent, green employment and an increased access to entrepreneurship”. The geographical intervention zone from the current bilateral portfolio is largely retained with a focus on the western region of Kigoma.

Disclaimer: Country borders do not necessarily reflect the Belgian Government's official position.