General information

Women, youth and other SSPs increase benefits in the fresh vegetables value chain as change agents
Start date
End date
Activity status
NGO Oxfam - Solidarité
Agriculture and livestock - Agricultural development
Policy markers
Nutrition 1
Disability 1
Gender 1
Environment 1
Desertification 1
Biodiversity 1
Climate: Mitigation 1
Climate: Adaptation 1
Good Governance 1
Trade Development 1
Aid type
Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes
Priority partner country
Fragile state
Least developed country
54 20 356072 NGO Programs
Finance type
Tied status
Flow type


By 2026, 3.000 women, youth, and other small-scale producers in six governorates are increasingly acting as agents of change and have economic benefits from their activities in the fresh vegetable value chain. Oxfam Solidarité/Solidariteit will work together with 3 partners: Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committee, Rural Women Development Society and Palestinian Farmers’ Union and with 5 collaborators (Coalition for Accountability and Integrity -AMAN, Palestinian Trade Center, Gender At Work, Oxfam in OPTI and Oxfam Novib) to make the fresh vegetables value chain more inclusive, fair and sustainable, targeting 3.000 women, youth and other small-scale farmers (at least 40% are female) in six governorates in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. They will have more economic benefits and increasingly be change agents. Improved economic benefits, including policy changes, will also impact positively on the families of the target group and other families: an estimated 26.000 beneficiaries (49% women). The capacities and organizational structures of the 3 partners, community-based organizations, other civil society organizations and civil servants of the Palestinian Authority (PA) will be strengthened. The awareness of other private sector actors in the value chain will be raised and they will be pushed to adopt alternative business practices that distribute values, risks and profit more equally. The PA will be pushed to apply regulations benefiting women, youth and other small-scale producers. A mix of strategies will be used: capacity building activities, research, improving agricultural practices, increasing access to finance and other services, awareness raising on gender justice, care work and gender based violence, strengthening of alliances between like-minded groups, facilitating coalitions with other private sector actors in the value chain, improving the advocacy capacities, involving media and influencing work towards the PA. The accountability of public and private decision makers towards the population and the capacity of the civil society to demand accountability, the power of women and youth and the respect for the environment will be improved.

Disclaimer: Country borders do not necessarily reflect the Belgian Government's official position.