General information

Protecting and managing forests to build socio-ecological resilience in Peru
Start date
End date
Activity status
NGO BOS+ (ex Groenhart//BOS+tropen)
Forestry - Policy and administrative management
Policy markers
Nutrition 1
Gender 1
Trade Development 1
Environment 1
Good Governance 1
Desertification 1
Biodiversity 1
Climate: Mitigation 1
Climate: Adaptation 1
Aid type
Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes
Priority partner country
Fragile state
Least developed country
54 20 356072 NGO Programs
Finance type
Tied status
Flow type


Local communities contribute to the improvement of the resilience of forest landscapes in the intervention areas, in the Northern Dry Forest, the Central Cloud Forest and the Central and Southern Rainforest, as the socio-ecological systems they inhabit, achieving a triple contribution in terms of climate, biodiversity and the well-being of people in the communities. Communities living in forest landscapes conserve/restore/manage/use their forests sustainably. Community members apply more sustainable mechanisms by reducing pressure on natural ecosystems and are more resilient to the impact of climate change. This is facilitated by a strengthened governance framework at community and landscape level, in which civil society organisations play a key role. In this way, women and men of all ages and backgrounds enjoy improved well-being. In the end, it contributes to climate change mitigation, to the integrity of the biosphere, for the benefit of the world's population and future generations. In Peru, together with our local partners and the communities we support, we develop mechanisms and habits for using the land and its resources in such a way that they are sustainable. We are committed to strengthening the communities themselves so that they have better tools/capacities to achieve their livelihood goals according to their culture, in harmony with their environment. In terms of conservation, it is a matter of consolidating the management tools of local organisations. Management plans, conservation agreements (with the state), full life agreements, among others, are the tools used. In terms of agroforestry systems, after identifying native product chains with potential, we promote their sustainable development. Mainly cocoa in the jungle and tara in the north. In terms of restoration, we look for solutions adapted to each environment for effective restoration. Ad hoc species evaluation, nursery and planting techniques, grafting, are some of the activities in this field. During the implementation of the projects, the partners, the organisations and the beneficiaries supported (and us) all learn from the experience. This is what we intend to measure through outcome 5 (capacity building).

Disclaimer: Country borders do not necessarily reflect the Belgian Government's official position.