General information

Global programme: Synergy
Start date
End date
Activity status
ITM Institute of Tropical Medicine ANTWERPEN - ANVERS
Health - Health policy and administrative management
Policy markers
Gender 1
Environment 1
Climate: Adaptation 1
Aid type
Core support to NGOs, other private bodies, PPPs and research institutes
Fragile state
Least developed country
54 41 452539 Toelagen aan het Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde
Finance type
Tied status
Flow type


The aim of the Global Synergy Programme is to leverage health science through synergy and networking, to eventually obtain sustainable development. The Global Synergy Programme aims to increase the impact of health research through synergy and networking. This will be pursued via three strategic axes. The first axe enables change through scientific networking. By the realisation of a Thematic Global Network (TGN) Health, climate change and urbanisation and Technical Capacity Networks (TCN). The second axe enables research performance, ownership and leadership for sustainable development through a Synergetic Research Capacity Fund (SRCF). The last axe unleashes the full potential of the thematic Joint Strategic Framework “Higher Education and Science for Sustainable Development (JSF HES4SD) through synergy and learning together with partners such as VLIR and Ares. The three strategic axes will be translated in outcomes. These outcomes are strongly linked to the strategic goals (SG) of the JSF HES4SD. The programme includes activities related to these three strategic axes. The first activity is the development, coordination and organization of network meetings and workshops concerning international mobility, scientific support and guidance, specific research costs, etc. The second activity is the creation of a Synergetic Research Capacity Fund, with the possibility of EDCTP3 participation and coordination. This would serve as seed funding for partners to initiate or to join pilot research projects, which function as a steppingstone to large-scale international projects. It would enable partners financially to participate in relevant collaborative research projects. The fund would give cross-cutting support to partners in all areas of research management. The third activity is the development of new knowledge, insights and tools related to the collective learning topics identified in the JSF HES4SD. Such as Getting Research into Policy and Practices, decolonization, monitoring and evaluation of scientific collaboration and small synergy projects.

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