General information

Global Programme for Small-scale Agroecology Producers and Sustainable Food Systems Transformation (GP-SAEP)
Start date
End date
Activity status
UN International Fund for Agricultural Development IFAD_FIDA - IFAD
Agriculture and livestock - Agricultural development
Policy markers
Nutrition 1
Disability 1
Gender 1
Good Governance 1
Trade Development 1
Environment 1
Biodiversity 1
Climate: Mitigation 1
Climate: Adaptation 1
Aid type
Contributions to multi-donor/single-entity funding mechanism
Fragile state
Least developed country
54 16 356049 Society-building and good governance
Finance type
Tied status
Flow type


Based on discussions held in 2022 between the European Commission (EC) the Belgian Development Cooperation and IFAD, IFAD has developed this Global Programme for Small-scale Agroecology Producers and Sustainable Food Systems Transformation (GP-SAEP). The GP-SAEP programme aims at addressing key barriers for scaling up agroecology and the transition to sustainable food systems for small-scale producers (farmers and agri-food Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME)) in Africa and Latin America & the Caribbean (LAC). The GP-SAEP seeks synergies with different investments from Belgium, the EC, IFAD, governments in Africa and LAC, and other investment partners (including other EU member states), to expand its impacts by supporting the adoption of agroecological strategies in the overall portfolio in partner countries. GP-SAEP will also generate key learning for the development community by strengthening the performance of agroecology investment programs for small-scale producers, measuring results and generating evidence. The overall goal of the programme is to contribute to the transition to sustainable agri-food systems for the benefit of the rural poor. The development objective is to enable rural small-scale producers to strengthen their practice of agroecology through better access to knowledge, support services, improved technologies and market outlets thereby improving their resilience to climatic, environmental and socio-economic shocks and stressors as well as food and nutrition security and incomes.


1) Improving access to agroecological bio-solutions, including seeds, bio-inputs (organic fertilisers and bio-pesticides) and mechanical equipment adapted to small-scale agroecology farming practices; 2) Strengthening value addition and markets for agroecological produce harnessing sustainable food system benefits; 3) Increasing access to knowledge and empowering small-scale producers in agroecological transition through Rural Advisory Services (RAS) and farmer-to-farmer joint learning; 4) Expanding the Economic and Financial Analysis of investments (EFA+) taking into account avoided negative externalities and broader medium to long term food system sustainability benefits, knowledge management and sharing.

Disclaimer: Country borders do not necessarily reflect the Belgian Government's official position.