General information

Portfolio Palestine Intervention 2: Youth Protection & Civic Engagement
Start date
End date
Activity status
Enabel - the Belgian development agency
Population & Reproductive Health - Reproductive health care
Policy markers
Gender 1
RMNCH: Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health 2
Aid type
Project-type interventions
Priority partner country
Fragile state
Least developed country
54 10 614201 Enabel - governmental cooperation
Finance type
Tied status
Flow type


Poor access to health services and gender-based violence also limit opportunities and the ability of Palestinian young people to thrive in society. There is a shortage of health personnel trained to provide quality sexual and reproductive health care (SRH) for young people and a persistent gap in GBV and mental health screening in perinatal care. While evidence in this specific field remains limited, studies from 2016/2017 showed that 14-19% of women could face post-partum depression in the West Bank while violence in pregnancy was affecting more than 6% of pregnant women in the Gaza Strip. In addition, when SRHR/GBV services and information are available, they are rarely adapted to young people, or “youth-friendly”, and providers often lack the skills in order to ensure adequate communication, privacy and confidentiality. Young people, especially young women, are the most affected of all groups due to the absence of inclusive SRH practices and services, including family planning. Due to existing social norms, family planning is hardly accessible to unmarried people while young women are pressured to focus on their marriageability and their reproductive capacity. At the same time, there is no comprehensive sexual education (CSE) in schools, and when teachers address it, it is generally focused on the biological rather than the emotional and psychological dimensions of the transition from adolescence to adulthood. There is also a limited understanding of STDs/HIV/AIDS, unplanned pregnancies, and contraception, which is damaging to both young women and men. The contextual analysis allowed to identify the main challenges and bottlenecks facing Palestinian young people in the area of human rights, sexual and reproductive health and rights, including the prevention and response to GBV, as well as mental health. As a response, the aim of the intervention is that “Young women and men have better access to quality mental health and sexual and reproductive health services and information, their protection and well-being are enhanced, and they are empowered to claim their rights and actively engage in their community.”


R1: Youth human rights are promoted and their opportunities for civic engagement are increased R2: Enhanced protection from GBV and access to quality sexual & reproductive health and rights among youth R3: Improved mental health and well-being of young people and their care-giver

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