General information

Contribution in support of people of concern to UNHCR in Syrian Arab Republic, Niger, Mali and Uganda
Start date
End date
Activity status
UN Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR_HCR - UNHCR - PRT
Humanitarian Aid - Material relief assistance and services
Policy markers
Gender 1
Good Governance 1
RMNCH: Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health 2
Aid type
Project-type interventions
Fragile state
Least developed country
54 52 356083 Humanitarian projects
Finance type
Tied status
Flow type


The Syria crisis is in its eleventh year and humanitarian needs are multi-faceted, showing no signs of reducing. The socio-economic situation, depreciation of currency, and restrictive measures are taking their toll on society. Added to this are COVID-19 related challenges such as loss of livelihoods, a reduction in peoples’ purchasing power and increase in negative coping mechanisms. Most areas in Syria are under government control, nevertheless, the security situation is still volatile with regular security incidents across the country. Early 2021, it was estimated that some 13.4 million people are in need in the country, while some 6.7 million are estimated to be internally displaced. In 2020, some 448,000 internally displaced Syrians and a little over 38,200 Syrian refugees were reported to have returned to their areas of origin. As more areas are becoming accessible for return, it is expected the pace of return will stabilize. No large-scale displacements resulting from conflict or natural disasters are expected, however intermittent localised displacements may take place from time-to-time. Syria also hosts some 24,000 registered refugees and asylum-seekers, mainly from Iraq. Unfortunately, achieving durable solutions for these people of concern are limited. There are limited resettlement opportunities and local integration is not yet available. It is estimated some 160,000 stateless people reside in the country. In Syria, UNHCR follows a community-based protection approach to reach and provide assistance to people of concern. UNHCR supports over 200 community centres and mobile community units and engages some 2,600 community outreach volunteers across the country to implement this strategy. At the community centres, people of concern can receive comprehensive protection related services such as to address child protection and gender-based violence concerns, legal assistance, counselling, pyscho-social support, and case management services. Outreach volunteers, who are attached to community centres engage their communities to identify and address specific protection concerns by implementing small-scale community-led projects. At community centres people of concern can also apply to receive livelihood support either in the form of assets (livestock or seeds) or to start small businesses. stateless people reside in the country. In Syria, cash-based interventions support refugee families improve their living conditions and reduce their susceptibility to exploitation and other protection risks such as engaging in child labour and survival sex. Overall cash-based interventions allow people of concern the freedom to decide and address needs in the most appropriate manner possible, respecting their dignity. Providing cash to people also directly benefits the local economy and can contribute to co-existence with host communities and promotes self-reliance. Families’ eligibility to receive cash assistance is based on vulnerability criteria and is reviewed at regular intervals so the most-in-need receive the assistance. The objective of this project is to strengthen people of concern’s resilience and promote self-reliance by providing cash and livelihoods assistance using a community-based protection approach.


Contribute to the protection response for refugees

Disclaimer: Country borders do not necessarily reflect the Belgian Government's official position.