General information

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion in communities in Kalehe Territory in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
Start date
End date
Activity status
NGO Tearfund België -Service d'entraide et de Liaison - TF
Humanitarian Aid - Material relief assistance and services
Aid type
Project-type interventions
Priority partner country
Fragile state
Least developed country
54 52 356083 Humanitarian projects
Finance type
Tied status
Flow type


Kalehe territory has had recurrent conflict since colonial times, the main reasons for conflict has been administrative territory between the inhabitants of the territory on one hand and access to resources on the other hand, despite the efforts to solve the main causes it led to further disintegration of the warring parties and formation of other smaller militia groups who have continued to terrorize the communities. As late as January 2016, there were militia attacks in the western side of the health zone leading to displacements of over 26,124 people. Due to the recurrent conflict the communities in the health zone have limited access to water and sanitation facilities and have limited knowledge on good hygienic practises. Due to this there is a high morbidity of water borne diseases including cholera and diarrhoea. There are cases of gender based violence reported. This action targets 5 health areas in Kalehe health zone; Kalehe, Muhongoza, Luzira, Ihoka and Ishovu so as to increase the access to clean water and sanitation, knowledge on good hygienic practises as well as increase awareness to gender, sexual gender based violence (SGBV) and HIV. This will be achieved through the construction of 2 gravity fed water systems, 2 boreholes with solar powered submersible water pumps, formation and training of water user committees as well as technicians who will be tasked with the maintenance of the water systems. The model of hygiene promotion will be the village assaini (VA) where the community will be organized in villages of not more than 200HH and led by a committee of 8 people. Through the identification and training of relais communautaire (RECO) on facilitation technics and hygiene promotion, HIV and SGBV, the community will be sensitized on good hygienic practises as well as cross cutting themes. Improved access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene as well as raising awareness on gender equality and SGBV in 5 health areas in Kalehe health zone by end of July 2017


Increase the access to portable water and sanitation facilities and improved knowledge on good hygienic practises for the target communities as well as raising the awareness on gender equality and SGBV.


R1.1 : 100% des bénéficiaires ont accès à l’eau potable R1.2 : 100% des points d'eau analysés ne présentent aucun problème de contamination feco-orale R2.1 : 100% des établissements humains analysés lors de l'étude KAP étaient exempts de fèces humaines sur le terrain et autour du site. Tearfund a aussi facilité la construction et la réhabilitation de 5440 latrines. (>100%) R3.1 : 65% des personnes sont capables de mentionner les principaux réservoirs de contamination, les routes et les vecteurs dans la transmission feco-orale (telle que mesurée par l’enquête KAP). Elles ont également été capable de mentionner 5 moments critiques où il faut se laver les mains pour éviter la contamination. (<100%) Le projet a finalement atteint : - 58 992 personnes dans le secteur de l’approvisionnement en eau (=R1) - 35 360 dans le secteur d’évacuation des excréments (=R2) - 38 616 dans le secteur de la promotion à l’hygiène (=R3)

Disclaimer: Country borders do not necessarily reflect the Belgian Government's official position.